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General terms

Article 1.
Info Progress d.o.o., Fažana, Kamelija 47, OIB: 81665956457 (hereinafter referred to as Service provider) provides services to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) users. The service will be performed according  the currently applicable Law of Telecommunications,  and  the licence from HAKOM.

Article 2.
With these General Terms (hereinafter referred to as General Terms) govern the relationship between service provider and the applicant (hereinafter called User)

Terms of use for voipBON services

Article 3.
Service agreement is concluded on the basis of an orally or written request for connection by the User. The Contract is concluded for indefinite time. The Contract start to apply when the Service provider allows the telephony service to the User and the User begins to use it.

Article 4.
Service provider reserves the right to refuse the request without explanation if a client does not fulfil the conditions for concluding a contract, in a writing form within seven days. In this case, it is presumed that the Contract between the parties is not concluded.

Article 5.
The User can in any time terminate the Contract for service providing, but only in writing form within 30 days before the end. The User is obligated within that period to pay its certain debts arising from the contractual relationship.

Article 6.
The Service provider may unilaterally terminate the contractual relationship within 30 days and notify the User  in a writing form. Service provider, in case of delays with the payment or other justified reasons, can, without delay, turn off the possibility of using the service.

Article 7.
In case of planned interruption  or regular maintenance of the system, Service Provider will notify the period of  work execution at least two days before the scheduled date.

Article 8.
Service provider will not be responsable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or direct loss of revenue or any damages that occurred due to incorrect usage of service. In neither case the Service provider can not be responsable for indirect or direct incurred loss of revenue or damages.

Article 9.
At the conclusion of the Contract, users have access to all information of the  services, including current rates. All prices and conditions are available on site  Every  user that enter the site is using it content on their own responsibility.

Specify of traffic and User’s data

Article 10.
Service provider provides online access to detailed call list through the Users site on . The User can enter the site using access information, that he get during registration.  Opening up a User account is free.

Article 11.
The User is obliged , without delay,  to contact the service provider of any changes of information if they are different from those at the time of execution of the Contract, in a writing form or E-mail, at least 7 days from the moment of change. If the User does not notice the Service provider of data changes and therefore make difficult delivery of the postmail , it will be assume that the service was properly done.

Article 12.
The service provider can communicate with the user via e-mail, and therefore informed him about the news and changes of the service, unless the User don’t want it and notify the service provider about it. It is believed that all the notice published properly and send to a Users email  from the contact list are valid.

Article 13.
Service provider will maintain the confidentiality of personal information and identity, and any other information about the User, and those information can be used only for their own use.

Quality and availability of services

Article 14.
User agrees that within technical and operational capabilities it is possible that the service will not be available at any time and any place. Service provider agrees and ensure to provide a continuous and uninterrupted function of the services.

Article 15.
Provider agrees to provide the best possible quality of IP telephony services, and to eliminate possible errors and irregularities in the system as soon as possible. Service provider will ensure high security and confidentiality of given information, keep it as a professional secret, and wouldn’t, without consent of the User, deliver it  to a third party except by the order of competent court.

Article 16.
Service provider is not responsible for any interruptions in the work of the Service if the cause is force majeure, fault of third parties or the individual user, or events that are not under the control of the service provider.

Rights and Obligations of the User

Article 17.
User is responsible for the protection and use of access data necessary to use the service, and that they would not deliver it to a third person. The User can not transfer access information to a third party without the written consent of the Service provider. The user is responsible for all the consequences of unauthorized use of any services ordered by a third party. If there is a reasonable suspicion that the third person is using the access data, Service provider will disconnect the service without notice.

Article 18.
The user agrees that at the moment of signing the Contract will specify proper, valid and complete data necessary for the calculation and use of services. Service is allowed to storage and use submitted data ,  which are necessary to manage his account.

Article 19.
The users must immediately report the loss or theft of data access in a writing form. In this case the user will not be responsable for payment of services used after the Provider receives written notice of the loss or  thereof. Service provider will not be responsible to User or any third party for any damages that may arise due to a false report of loss or theft of data access.

Article 20.
The user is required to use the service in accordance with instructions for use.
Article 21.
User agrees not to use the service for calls to specific numbers or numbers with special tariff.

Article 22.
User agrees not to use the service for the purpose of resale (if the User himself is the operator of equal or similar services or if he want to resell the service, he must sign a separate contract with the Service provider)

Article 23.
The User agrees to pay the bill if the service is used by a third person (unless the Service provider give the access data to the third party). User agrees to pay the bills for the used service within seven days of the invoice or no later than 15 day of the month for the previous month. Also, if the beneficiary does not comply with required to pay, he can send a written complaint within seven (7) days. Provider agrees to make control of the allegations in the complaint and notify the beneficiary with the inspection results .

Termination of Service Service

Article 24.
Service provider can exclude the User in  the following cases:

  • If the User causes technical problems in telecommunications network
  • If a bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings is iniated against the User
  • If the User disables the activity or interferes with the normal operation of other service users and causes damages  with it’s behavior to the Service provider or other users
  • If the user tries to “break” safety net systems
  • If the user does not pay overdue bills and he is late with payment of more than 10 days
  • If the User changes his data, and in the contract specifies false information
  • If the user does not accept the terms of  General Conditions
  • If the Service Provider based on some facts conclude that the client will not make payments for the service

Service provider is required to inform the User in writing of the reasons for exclusion. In case of disconnection, the User is not entitled to damages resulted of the exclusion.

Prices and Payment

Article 25.
The current tariff rates are specified on the website

Article 26.
In case of delays in the payment of bills for services rendered, the Service Provider may send a notice warning and charge interest . The costs of a notice warning is 10.00 kn + VAT.

Article 27.
The service provider can, in accordance with its policy, change the general conditions. If the new changes can directly affect the cost increase of the User, Provider agrees to inform the User  about the changes. Otherwise, the service provider undertakes to publish the changes on its official website If the User  after the receipt notification within 7 days continues to use the service,with  no objection, it is believed that he agrees with the changes.


Article 28.
User confirms that he is aware of the fact that when he call the numbers (112,92,93,94 etc) is obliged to inform the operator from the call center on its exact location.

Article 29.
The parties will resolve possible disputes by mutual agreement. If the case can not be resolved  by mutual agreement, to resolve disputes is responsable the court in Pula

Article 30.
General Conditions are an integral part of the Agreement on the use of voipBON services.

Article 31.
The Service provider is not responsible for the content that user is transferring  to a third party using telephone services.